Thursday, 24 April 2014


I finally finished it! My beautiful little petticoat! And it only took me about three months! I used the free petticoat pattern from Truly Victorian and found it very simple. Although I do not like ruffles. At. All.

Now I do have the wrong hoop skirt underneath it (Elizabethan) but the general shape is there and I made the dimensions for a proper era crinoline. I can also see what they might mean about needing more than one petticoat to hide the hoops! I didn't really change much to the pattern (nothing at all actually). 

These are the ruffles/pleats on the waistband. I wasn't too concerned about getting them perfectly even because I did a drawstring waistband. Although I did have to repin a couple of times!

I feel so pretty in it! I can't wait to start building dresses!

I've currently got patterns from Truly Victorian in the mail. It was a wonderful birthday present from my mother! And to finish off, I present to you Edward: My most Interesting Cat In The World!


  1. Tiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaaa I nominated you for an award :D

  2. And another one ;)
